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Good Haibun/Bad Haibun

I prepared this handout for the May 1 SPLAB Living Room and it is the second such piece I have written about haibun. As you may know, one of my current writing projects is Haibun de la Serna. This is a series of 99 haibun written in neo-barroco fashion all beginning...

Writing Haibun

Writing Haibun I first became aware of the haibun literary form through Anne Waldman’s Marriage: A Sentence and through Sam Hamill’s translation of Basho’s Narrow Road to the Interior,perhaps the quintessential translation. Now I am in the middle of...

Seattle’s Poetry Scene

Seattle’s Poetry Scene Seattle likes to pride itself on being one of America’s Most Literate Cities. I pay attention to these annual pronouncements for about 2 minutes when they inevitably make the news, or are posted on Facebook, and Seattle’s usually up there with...