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Up a Creek with Brett Nunn

Today I found out I will require bilateral laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery. Ugh. Not a fan of surgery but quickly becoming a fan of Project Access NW, which has determined that I am eligible for coverage. They have been wonderful, as has every person I have seen...

61. Meat Again

Nothing forgets us more quickly than a barstool. Ramon Gomez de la Serna the sheer terror of being forced into incarnation in accordance with one’s will one’s agreement with the single intelligence. We watch at night after so much crying crying crying, cats as bed...

More New American Sentences

Two months of the last year of the Mayan Calendar are toast like some human sacrifice down into a volcano and all I have to show for it is a few more measly 17 syllable poems. Here are some recent ones: 2.19.12 – Keeps dropping her she keeps popping into his...