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Cascadia IV (I Did Not Build That)

I’m thinking of the controversy from an event during the 2012 U.S. Presidential campaign. It’s the You Didn’t Build That notion and was the response by less conscious people about the nature of how things get done, even in (especially in) a country...

Cascadia Poetry Festival 3 – Nanaimo

Sometimes there are events in my life that are so intense, or have so much action packed into a short time, it takes me a long time to write about them. Having founded a poetry festival for the Cascadia bioregion in which I have lived since 1988, my attendance at the...

Cascadia Update

The 3rd Cascadia Poetry Festival is three weeks away in Nanaimo, BC, and unlike the first two, it is in Canada and it is being run by people who attended at least one of the previous events. This is an exciting development and thanks to David Fraser, Kim Goldberg, Kim...

Cascadian EcoPoetics

The term Ecopoetics has been in vogue since about the turn of the century. Beyond the well-known “nature poem” I take this term to be used with the insinuation of a little more responsibility on the part of the poet who writes such poetry. I’ve never...

Igniting the Galaxies: Cascadian Ecopoetry

Igniting the Galaxies: Cascadian Ecopoetry (A review of Igniting the Green Fuse: Four Canadian Women Poets) (download as a pdf) One of the great delights in organizing the recent Cascadia Poetry Festival in Seattle was the collaboration with Kim Goldberg and the...