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Allen Ginsberg Interview, Parts 9 & 10

In advance of the 12th Ginsberg Poetry Marathon, I’m presenting excerpts from my 1994 interview with Allen. 9. Trungpa on Kerouac PN: Tell us about the . . . Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at the Naropa Institute, and the Institute itself. AG: Well,...

Allen Ginsberg Interview, Part 8

In advance of the 12th Ginsberg Poetry Marathon, I’m presenting excerpts from my 1994 interview with Allen. 8. 1st Thought, Best Thought AG: Yes, it is the title of a book by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, my Tibetan lama guru. I just wanted to interrupt, that long...

Allen Ginsberg Interview, Part 7

In advance of the 12th Ginsberg Poetry Marathon, I’m presenting excerpts from my 1994 interview with Allen. 7. Steal This Poem (poem) You can hear highlighted excerpts from the interview here: and know that...

Allen Ginsberg Interview, Part 6

In advance of the 12th Ginsberg Poetry Marathon, I’m presenting excerpts from my 1994 interview with Allen. 6. On Whitman AG: We were gonna talk about Whitman, remember? PN: That’s exactly where I was going, yeah, Walt Whitman. A couple of references to Walt...